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Oh She Glows

  A Beacon of Delicious and Healthy Plant-Based Eating In the vibrant constellation of the plant-based food blogging world, few stars shine as brightly as Oh She Glows. Created by the ever-enthusiastic Angela Liddon, this award-winning platform has become a comprehensive resource for anyone seeking delightful and nourishing meals rooted in whole, unprocessed ingredients. A Philosophy Rooted in Wholesome Goodness At the heart of Oh She Glows lies a philosophy that celebrates fresh, vibrant flavors without compromising health. Angela's recipes are all meticulously crafted to be plant-based, meaning they exclude meat , dairy, and eggs. But her commitment to well-being extends far beyond simply ticking off dietary boxes. A significant portion of Oh She Glows' recipes are also gluten-free and soy-free, making it a haven for individuals with dietary restrictions. Moreover, Angela champions using unprocessed whole foods, eschewing refined sugars, artificial additives, and proc

Reducing Body Heat Through Ayurvedic Diet: A Holistic Approach to Wellness



In the ancient practice of Ayurveda, maintaining a balance in the body's internal environment is considered essential for overall health. One of the key elements in this balance is regulating body heat. According to Ayurvedic principles, an imbalance in body heat can lead to various health issues, ranging from digestive problems to skin disorders. In this thing, we will explore the Ayurvedic perspective on body heat and delve into dietary strategies to naturally reduce excess heat, promoting harmony within the body. Read More: digitaltechspot

Understanding Body Heat in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the body is composed of three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Among these, Pitta dosha is associated with the element of fire and is responsible for various metabolic processes, including digestion. When Pitta becomes imbalanced, it can result in excess heat in the body. This imbalance can be caused by factors such as stress, an improper diet, and environmental conditions.

Symptoms of Excess Body Heat:

Acidic Indigestion: Experiencing heartburn and acidity.

Skin Issues: Rashes, acne, or inflammation.

Increased Irritability: Heightened emotional responses and impatience.

Digestive Discomfort: Diarrhea or loose stools.

Sensitivity to Heat: Feeling excessively hot in warm environments.

Ayurvedic Dietary Guidelines for Cooling the Body

Ayurveda emphasizes the role of diet in maintaining a balance between the doshas. When it comes to reducing excess body heat, incorporating cooling foods and mindful eating habits can be instrumental.

1. Embrace Cooling Foods:

Sweet Fruits: Incorporate fruits like melons, cucumbers, and sweet berries, as they have a cooling effect.

Leafy Greens: Consume leafy greens such as spinach and mint, which are known for their cooling properties.

Coconut: Include coconut water and coconut-based dishes for their cooling nature.

Dairy: Opt for cooling dairy products like yogurt and milk.

2. Pitta-Pacifying Herbs and Spices:

Coriander: Add coriander to your meals as it helps cool the digestive system.

Mint: Use mint leaves in teas or as a garnish to cool the body.

Fennel: Chew fennel seeds after meals to aid digestion and cool Pitta.

3. Choose Grains Wisely:

Basmati Rice: Favor basmati rice over other varieties, as it is considered cooling.

Barley: Incorporate barley into your diet, as it has a cooling effect on the body.

4. Hydration is Key:

Water: Stay well-hydrated with room temperature or cool water throughout the day.

Herbal Teas: Enjoy herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint to soothe and cool the body.

5. Mindful Eating Practices:

Avoid Overheating Foods: Minimize the intake of spicy, oily, and fried foods.

Regular Meal Times: Eat at regular intervals and avoid skipping meals to maintain a stable digestive fire.

Chew Mindfully: Chew your food thoroughly to aid in the digestion process.

Recipes for Cooling Ayurvedic Meals

1. Cucumber and Mint Raita:


Fresh cucumber, grated

Fresh mint leaves, chopped


Roasted cumin powder

Salt to taste

Method: Mix grated cucumber and mint into yogurt, add cumin powder and salt. Serve chilled.

2. Coconut and Coriander Chutney:


Fresh coconut, grated

Fresh coriander leaves

Green chilies

Lime juice

Salt to taste

Method: Blend all ingredients to a smooth consistency. Use as a side with meals.


A Holistic Approach to Wellness

In Ayurveda, the concept of reducing body heat is not just about dietary choices but extends to lifestyle and mindfulness practices. By incorporating cooling foods, embracing mindful eating habits, and adopting a balanced lifestyle, individuals can promote harmony within their bodies. It's important to note that Ayurveda is a holistic system, and consulting with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner can provide personalized guidance based on an individual's unique constitution.

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